Authored by : Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf , Javed Iqbal , Waseem Anjum

22 Pages : 291-306


  • Achi, A., Adeola, O., & Achi, F. C. (2022). CSR and green process innovation as antecedents of micro, small, and medium enterprise performance: Moderating role of perceived environmental volatility. Journal of Business Research, 139, 771–781.
  • Ahmad, Saeed; Ashraf, Hafiz Ahmad; Javed, Iqbal; Waqar, Munir; Yasir, Iqbal; Usman, A. (2023). Silenced by despotic leadership: investigating the mediating effect of job tensions and moderating influence of psycap on employee silence. Russian Law Journal, 11(1), 173–193.
  • Alänge, S., Jacobsson, S., & Jaryehammar, A. (1998). Some aspects of an analytical framework for studying the diffusion of organizational innovations. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 10(1), 3–22.
  • Albort-Morant, G., Leal-Millán, A., & Cepeda- Carrión, G. (2016). The antecedents of green innovation performance: A model of learning and capabilities. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 4912–4917.
  • Albort-Morant, G., Leal-Rodríguez, A. L., & De Marchi, V. (2018). Absorptive capacity and relationship learning mechanisms as complementary drivers of green innovation performance. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(2), 432–452.
  • Alhadid, A. Y., & Abu-Rumman, A. H. (2014). The impact of green innovation on organizational performance, environmental Management behavior as a moderate variable: an analytical study on Nuqul Group in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(7).
  • Amores-Salvadó, J., De Castro, G. M., & López, J. E. N. (2014). Green corporate image: moderating the connection between environmental product innovation and firm performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 83, 356–365.
  • Ar, I. M. (2012). The impact of green product innovation on firm performance and competitive capability: The moderating role of managerial environmental concern. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 62, 854–864.
  • Ashraf, H. A. (2021). The relationship between TQM and business performance: The mediating role of innovation performance and organizational learning culture: A pitch. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 20(1), 161-167.
  • Ashraf, H. A., Ishaq, M. I., & Muhammad Khan, M. (2021). EFQM enablers and business performance relationship: Examining mediating role of organizational learning culture in Pakistani textile sector. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
  • Awan, U., Arnold, M. G., & Gölgeci, I. (2020). Enhancing green product and process innovation: Towards an integrative framework of knowledge acquisition and environmental investment. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(2).
  • Armbruster, H., Bikfalvi, A., Kinkel, S., & Lay, G. (2008). Organizational innovation: The challenge of measuring non-technical innovation in large-scale surveys. Technovation, 28(10), 644–657.
  • Azadegan, A., & Dooley, K. J. (2010). Supplier innovativeness, organizational learning styles and manufacturer performance: An empirical assessment. Journal of Operations Management, 28(6), 488–505.
  • Berrone, P., Fosfuri, A., Gelabert, L., & Gomez-Mejia, L. R. (2013). Necessity as the mother of “green” inventions: Institutional pressures and environmental innovations. Strategic Management Journal, 34(8), 891–909.
  • Caridi, M., Pero, M., & Sianesi, A. (2012). Linking product modularity and innovativeness to supply chain management in the Italian furniture industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 136(1), 207–217.
  • Chan, H. K., Yee, R. W. Y., Dai, J., & Lim, M. K. (2016). The moderating effect of environmental dynamism on green product innovation and performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 384–391.
  • Chang, C.-H. (2011). The Influence of Corporate Environmental Ethics on Competitive Advantage: The Mediation Role of Green Innovation. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(3), 361–370.
  • Chang, N.-J., & Fong, C.-M. (2010). Green product quality, green corporate image, green customer satisfaction, and green customer loyalty. African Journal of Business Management, 4(13), 2836–2844.
  • Chen, C.-M., & Delmas, M. A. (2012). Measuring Eco-Inefficiency: A New Frontier Approach. Operations Research, 60(5), 1064–1079.
  • Chen, Y.-S. (2007). The Driver of Green Innovation and Green Image – Green Core Competence. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(3), 531–543.
  • Chen, Y.-S. (2010). The Drivers of Green Brand Equity: Green Brand Image, Green Satisfaction, and Green Trust. Journal of Business Ethics, 93(2), 307–319.
  • Chen, Y.-S., & Chang, K.-C. (2011). The nonlinear effect of green innovation on the corporate competitive advantage. Quality & Quantity, 47(1), 271–286.
  • Chen, Y.-S., Lai, S.-B., & Wen, C.-T. (2006). The Influence of Green Innovation Performance on Corporate Advantage in Taiwan. Journal of Business Ethics, 67(4), 331–339.
  • Cheng, C. C. J., Yang, C., & Sheu, C. (2014). The link between eco-innovation and business performance: a Taiwanese industry context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 64, 81–90.
  • Chiou, T.-Y., Chan, H. K., Lettice, F., & Chung, S. H. (2011). The influence of greening the suppliers and green innovation on environmental performance and competitive advantage in Taiwan. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47(6), 822–836.
  • Chouaibi, S., Chouaibi, J., & Rossi, M. (2021). ESG and corporate financial performance: the mediating role of green innovation: UK common law versus Germany civil law. EuroMed Journal of Business, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
  • Christmann, P. (2000). Effects of “Best Practices” of Environmental Management on Cost Advantage: The Role of Complementary Assets. Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), 663–680.
  • Cronin, J. J., Smith, J. S., Gleim, M. R., Ramirez, E., & Martinez, J. D. (2010). Green marketing strategies: an examination of stakeholders and the opportunities they present. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), 158–174 .
  • Damanpour, F. (2014). Footnotes to Research on Management Innovation. Organization Studies, 35(9), 1265–1285.
  • Dangelico, R. M., & Pujari, D. (2010). Mainstreaming Green Product Innovation: Why and How Companies Integrate Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(3), 471–486.
  • Dangelico, R. M., Pujari, D., & Pontrandolfo, P. (2016). Green Product Innovation in Manufacturing Firms: A Sustainability- Oriented Dynamic Capability Perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(4), 490–506.
  • El-Kassar, A., & Singh, S. K. (2019). Green innovation and organizational performance: The influence of big data and the moderating role of management commitment and HR practices. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144, 483–498.
  • Evangelista, R., & Vezzani, A. (2010). The economic impact of technological and organizational innovations. A firm-level analysis. Research Policy, 39(10), 1253– 1263.
  • Farza, K., Ftiti, Z., Hlioui, Z., Louhichi, W., & Omri, A. (2021). Does it pay to go green? The environmental innovation effect on corporate financial performance. Journal of Environmental Management, 300, 113695.
  • Fernando, Y., Jabbour, C. J. C., & Wah, W. X. (2019). Pursuing green growth in technology firms through the connections between environmental innovation and sustainable business performance: Does service capability matter? Resources Conservation and Recycling, 141, 8–20.
  • Foroudi, P., Melewar, T. C., & Gupta, S. (2014). Linking corporate logo, corporate image, and reputation: An examination of consumer perceptions in the financial setting. Journal of Business Research, 67(11), 2269–2281.
  • Cainelli, G., De Marchi, V., & Grandinetti, R. (2015). Does the development of environmental innovation require different resources? Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 94, 211–220.
  • Gupta, A., Briscoe, F., & Hambrick, D. C. (2016). Red, blue, and purple firms: Organizational political ideology and corporate social responsibility. Strategic Management Journal, 38(5), 1018–1040.
  • Pane Haden, S. S., Oyler, J. D., & Humphreys, J. H. (2009). Historical, practical, and theoretical perspectives on green management. Management Decision, 47(7), 1041–1055.
  • Hizarci-Payne, A. K., Ä°pek, Ä°., & Gümüş, G. K. (2020). How environmental innovation influences firm performance: A meta- analytic review. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(2), 1174–1190.
  • Horbach, J., Rammer, C., & Rennings, K. (2012). Determinants of eco-innovations by type of environmental impact — The role of regulatory push/pull, technology push and market pull. Ecological Economics, 78, 112–122.
  • Jaffe, A. B., Newell, R. G., & Stavins, R. N. (2005). A tale of two market failures: Technology and environmental policy. Ecological Economics, 54(2-3), 164–174.
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  • Kong, T., Feng, T., & Ye, C. (2016). Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Green Innovation: The role of internal Environmental collaboration. Sustainability, 8(10), 1056.
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  • Ashraf, H. A., Ishaq, M. I., & Muhammad Khan, M. (2021). EFQM enablers and business performance relationship: Examining mediating role of organizational learning culture in Pakistani textile sector. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
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  • Berrone, P., Fosfuri, A., Gelabert, L., & Gomez-Mejia, L. R. (2013). Necessity as the mother of “green” inventions: Institutional pressures and environmental innovations. Strategic Management Journal, 34(8), 891–909.
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  • Chen, C.-M., & Delmas, M. A. (2012). Measuring Eco-Inefficiency: A New Frontier Approach. Operations Research, 60(5), 1064–1079.
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  • Chen, Y.-S., Lai, S.-B., & Wen, C.-T. (2006). The Influence of Green Innovation Performance on Corporate Advantage in Taiwan. Journal of Business Ethics, 67(4), 331–339.
  • Cheng, C. C. J., Yang, C., & Sheu, C. (2014). The link between eco-innovation and business performance: a Taiwanese industry context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 64, 81–90.
  • Chiou, T.-Y., Chan, H. K., Lettice, F., & Chung, S. H. (2011). The influence of greening the suppliers and green innovation on environmental performance and competitive advantage in Taiwan. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47(6), 822–836.
  • Chouaibi, S., Chouaibi, J., & Rossi, M. (2021). ESG and corporate financial performance: the mediating role of green innovation: UK common law versus Germany civil law. EuroMed Journal of Business, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
  • Christmann, P. (2000). Effects of “Best Practices” of Environmental Management on Cost Advantage: The Role of Complementary Assets. Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), 663–680.
  • Cronin, J. J., Smith, J. S., Gleim, M. R., Ramirez, E., & Martinez, J. D. (2010). Green marketing strategies: an examination of stakeholders and the opportunities they present. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), 158–174 .
  • Damanpour, F. (2014). Footnotes to Research on Management Innovation. Organization Studies, 35(9), 1265–1285.
  • Dangelico, R. M., & Pujari, D. (2010). Mainstreaming Green Product Innovation: Why and How Companies Integrate Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(3), 471–486.
  • Dangelico, R. M., Pujari, D., & Pontrandolfo, P. (2016). Green Product Innovation in Manufacturing Firms: A Sustainability- Oriented Dynamic Capability Perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(4), 490–506.
  • El-Kassar, A., & Singh, S. K. (2019). Green innovation and organizational performance: The influence of big data and the moderating role of management commitment and HR practices. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144, 483–498.
  • Evangelista, R., & Vezzani, A. (2010). The economic impact of technological and organizational innovations. A firm-level analysis. Research Policy, 39(10), 1253– 1263.
  • Farza, K., Ftiti, Z., Hlioui, Z., Louhichi, W., & Omri, A. (2021). Does it pay to go green? The environmental innovation effect on corporate financial performance. Journal of Environmental Management, 300, 113695.
  • Fernando, Y., Jabbour, C. J. C., & Wah, W. X. (2019). Pursuing green growth in technology firms through the connections between environmental innovation and sustainable business performance: Does service capability matter? Resources Conservation and Recycling, 141, 8–20.
  • Foroudi, P., Melewar, T. C., & Gupta, S. (2014). Linking corporate logo, corporate image, and reputation: An examination of consumer perceptions in the financial setting. Journal of Business Research, 67(11), 2269–2281.
  • Cainelli, G., De Marchi, V., & Grandinetti, R. (2015). Does the development of environmental innovation require different resources? Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 94, 211–220.
  • Gupta, A., Briscoe, F., & Hambrick, D. C. (2016). Red, blue, and purple firms: Organizational political ideology and corporate social responsibility. Strategic Management Journal, 38(5), 1018–1040.
  • Pane Haden, S. S., Oyler, J. D., & Humphreys, J. H. (2009). Historical, practical, and theoretical perspectives on green management. Management Decision, 47(7), 1041–1055.
  • Hizarci-Payne, A. K., Ä°pek, Ä°., & Gümüş, G. K. (2020). How environmental innovation influences firm performance: A meta- analytic review. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(2), 1174–1190.
  • Horbach, J., Rammer, C., & Rennings, K. (2012). Determinants of eco-innovations by type of environmental impact — The role of regulatory push/pull, technology push and market pull. Ecological Economics, 78, 112–122.
  • Jaffe, A. B., Newell, R. G., & Stavins, R. N. (2005). A tale of two market failures: Technology and environmental policy. Ecological Economics, 54(2-3), 164–174.
  • aggi, B., & Freedman, M. (1992). AN EXAMINATION OF THE IMPACT OF POLLUTION PERFORMANCE ON ECONOMIC AND MARKET PERFORMANCE: PULP AND PAPER FIRMS. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 19(5), 697–713.
  • Keller, K. L., & Aaker, D. A. (1992). The Effects of Sequential Introduction of Brand Extensions. Journal of Marketing Research, 29(1), 35.
  • Kim, M., & Chai, S. (2017). The impact of supplier innovativeness, information sharing and strategic sourcing on improving supply chain agility: Global supply chain perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 187(1), 42–52.
  • Kong, T., Feng, T., & Ye, C. (2016). Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Green Innovation: The role of internal Environmental collaboration. Sustainability, 8(10), 1056.
  • Li, D., Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, X., & Cao, C. (2018). Impact of quality management on green innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, 462–470.
  • Llach, J., Castro, R. de, Bikfalvi, A., & Marimon, F. (2012). The relationship between environmental management systems and organizational innovations. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 22(4), 307–316.
  • Ma, Y., Hou, G., & Xin, B. (2017). Green process innovation and innovation benefit: The mediating effect of firm image. Sustainability, 9(10), 1778.
  • Ma, Y., Hou, G., Yin, Q., Xin, B., & Pan, Y. (2018). The sources of green management innovation: Does internal efficiency demand pull or external knowledge supply push? Journal of Cleaner Production, 202, 582–590.
  • Ma, Y., Zhang, Q., & Yin, Q. (2021). Top management team faultlines, green technology innovation and firm financial performance. Journal of Environmental Management, 285, 112095.
  • Martínez, E., & Pina, J. M. (2005). Influence of Corporate Image on Brand Extensions: A Model Applied to the Service Sector. Journal of Marketing Communications, 11(4), 263–281.
  • May, G., Stahl, B., Taisch, M., & Kiritsis, D. (2017). Energy management in manufacturing: From literature review to a conceptual framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 1464–1489.
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    APA : Ashraf, H. A., Iqbal, J., & Anjum, W. (2023). Greening the Bottom Line: Investigating the Influence of Green Management Innovation on Firm Financial Performance in the Pakistani Manufacturing Sector. Global Economics Review, VIII(II), 291-306.
    CHICAGO : Ashraf, Hafiz Ahmad, Javed Iqbal, and Waseem Anjum. 2023. "Greening the Bottom Line: Investigating the Influence of Green Management Innovation on Firm Financial Performance in the Pakistani Manufacturing Sector." Global Economics Review, VIII (II): 291-306 doi: 10.31703/ger.2023(VIII-II).22
    HARVARD : ASHRAF, H. A., IQBAL, J. & ANJUM, W. 2023. Greening the Bottom Line: Investigating the Influence of Green Management Innovation on Firm Financial Performance in the Pakistani Manufacturing Sector. Global Economics Review, VIII, 291-306.
    MHRA : Ashraf, Hafiz Ahmad, Javed Iqbal, and Waseem Anjum. 2023. "Greening the Bottom Line: Investigating the Influence of Green Management Innovation on Firm Financial Performance in the Pakistani Manufacturing Sector." Global Economics Review, VIII: 291-306
    MLA : Ashraf, Hafiz Ahmad, Javed Iqbal, and Waseem Anjum. "Greening the Bottom Line: Investigating the Influence of Green Management Innovation on Firm Financial Performance in the Pakistani Manufacturing Sector." Global Economics Review, VIII.II (2023): 291-306 Print.
    OXFORD : Ashraf, Hafiz Ahmad, Iqbal, Javed, and Anjum, Waseem (2023), "Greening the Bottom Line: Investigating the Influence of Green Management Innovation on Firm Financial Performance in the Pakistani Manufacturing Sector", Global Economics Review, VIII (II), 291-306
    TURABIAN : Ashraf, Hafiz Ahmad, Javed Iqbal, and Waseem Anjum. "Greening the Bottom Line: Investigating the Influence of Green Management Innovation on Firm Financial Performance in the Pakistani Manufacturing Sector." Global Economics Review VIII, no. II (2023): 291-306.